Ranting about anything I damn well feel like so stop asking me to rant about pokemon STEVE!!!!!!!!!!!

Age 35, Male


Mckee High School

Staten Island, NY

Joined on 6/4/05

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RPGmastar's News

Posted by RPGmastar - August 4th, 2009

My first Official Mote! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Motes the awesomeness of teh internet!

Posted by RPGmastar - July 27th, 2009

Short rant today:

Tokko is a horror anime about a cop who joins a group who kills monsters. Each member has a demon inside them (the hero included) and must kill each other eventually. Shit happens (Haven't seen the whole series.

I don't know if it's cause of the dubbing (which it probably is) but the plot is kinda stupid and the american dubbing sucks.

Despite that, I like it. It's funny as hell. and example is when the chief of police is told that his men can't kill the monsters cause only swords can and he goes off screaming and ordering his men to go get him a fucking tank. Then another scene is when the hero is bathing and his sister barges in, starts talking about some random party then ask, and I quote "Want me to wash your back sexy?" Then goes off saying to get his ass in bed NOW!

Overall it's worth watching a few episodes. I watch it for the lol moments.


Posted by RPGmastar - July 25th, 2009

I just found out that there's a Sailor Moon Live Action Series.

Naturally I laughed. Then Cried a little for Japan being totally fucking retarted.

Oh and Apparently it's actually good. Don't know if it's true or not and frankly I don't care enough to check. Not that I'm not man enough to watch it cause truthfully I watched the anime and thought it was ok.....for a girl's anime, cept for the 2 Lesbians. That was awesome and will forever be considered the best part of the series for all of ever.

Seriously Japan, WHAT THE FUCK?!

Why in the name of god would you make a live action Sailor Moon? Was it really THAT popular?

Now I can't really rant on the show (As fucking much as I would want to) since I didn't see it and won't see it unless I'm either A; Drunk B;Tortured C;It's the only show playing. IN THE WORLD or D:All of the above (Which I'm most rooting for.)

In other news: Saw the final episode of Keitai Sousakan 7 and it was cool. Shit happened, ALLOT OF PEOPLE DIED (like 600) and Keita got attacked by water. Yes water.

Kamen Rider Decade was in the world Of the Samurai Power Rangers (super sentai in japan I believe) and proved once and for all that Kamen Riders can and will kick the ass of the rangers. (He basically pimped smacked the shit out of them) It took the entire ranger team to kill 1 monster and it takes the whole episode while Decade kills 1 monster on his own like every 6 minutes.

Ranma 1/2 is some funny shit. A guy that turns into a stacked chick whenever hit with cold water is pure genius. Oh and there's epic martial arts fights too.

I threw my Laptop out the window cause it was possessed by Satan. (No lie it was speaking Latin backwords and everything! It even spewed projectile Vomit too!)

Trying to figure out how to get a damn Gun License so I can have one at home for....safety reasons. (Shifty eyes)

Oh and BIG rant coming up in a few days (or weeks) as soon as I finish the game.


Posted by RPGmastar - July 24th, 2009

I'm not one who usually watches Japanese live action Dramas like the super sentai. The only Sentai type series I enjoy is the newer Kamen Riders like Decade and Kiva.

That said, I have to talk about a series I just discovered: Keitai Sousakan 7 or Phone Braver 7.

First thing first: It's stupid and when I say stupid I mean funny and entertaining.

basically some Shinji Ikari wanna be (as in a total wimp teenager) Gets involved with Under Anchor, a secret organization involved in stopping Net crimes such as hacking and viruses. With the Use of Phone Braver 7, a talking walking cellphone, the boy known as Ashimima Keita joins Under Anchor and solves cases. He eventually gets involved with 01, a rouge black phone braver who previous Buddies (human Partners) died. Shit happens, things explode, people nearly die and so on.

Ok. Like I said, the plot is kinda stupid, but the character development is really good. Keita slowly goes from total wimp to someone who puts himself in danger to help another with no fear (til it's over at least) The battles are actually cool and the graphics are badass (the graphics was done by I.G Productions, the same people who did Ghost In The Shell S.O.C so I'm not suprised.)

The Music is catchy and sets the mood and comedy is top notch for the most part.

Now for the Cons:

Some Episodes I felt weren't needed (Fillers) some scenes felt half hearted or plain useless and some of the characters didn't connect to me, the viewer.

Overall, I enjoyed it and think everyone else should at least check it out on youtube . TwilightKong has the entire series on his profile. And it's legal cause it hasn't be licensed in America yet. Although there are rumors that there are plans to adapt it for america like how Power Rangers was for Super Sentai (as in same basic principal but totally different plot and characters)

Keitai Sousakan 7 (Phone Braver 7)

Posted by RPGmastar - April 16th, 2009

Initial D: Drift Racer is a hong Kong live action movie version of the hit Japanese manga and anime mountain racing series Initial D.

Plot: Young Takumi is a young man who delivers tofu (bean curd in the movie) for his father using an old AE86 hatchback. From making these deliveries on the mountain roads, he has unknowingly learned techniques to drift and cut down the time of his deliveries. When a Street racer one day drives down the road he encounters another racer not knowing it 's Tak making his run. After loosing to the 86 he makes a public challenge for a official rematch. And thus Takumi is thrusted into the world of drifting.

First thing first: The soundtrack of the movie while different from the anime's europop soundtrack, fits and gets you pumped for the races and the camera angles of the race is awesome and well done. The movie is basically the first stage (saga) of the manga and anime, showing Tak's first race up to the point where he joins Project D (with some changes due to time limitations)

One thing that pissed me off was some characters used different cars then in the series but watching the races in live action more then made up for it.

Overall I give this movie a 4/5. See it if your into Drift racing.

GTO (Great Teacher Onizuka) the live action series and movie

This is one of the greatest live action series ever! It's final episode was the most watched show in all of japan. Based on the manga and anime of the same name.

Plot: Eikichi Onizuka is a former gang leader who desires to be a teacher. After finally getting a job teaching class 2-A (the worse class in the school.) Major trouble begins. Sucide attempts, sabatage, betrayal, love are among some of the things that happens As slowly, Onizuka gains the loyalty of his students and proves himself to be the greatest teacher ever.

GTO is a comedy with deep themes hidden within in it's humor mostly dealing with things like how a teacher should be there for their student's no matter what and that no one is worthless. An example is in the first ep where Onizuka supplex's the head teacher after he calls two expelled students worthless garabage that should die. He then leaves yelling that he would never teach in a school where the teacher's treat their student's like trash and that everyone deserves to learn.

The live action manages to keep the same feeling of the manga and anime and the acting was really well done. It's theme song Poison, which was sang by the actor who plays Onizuka, fits with the theme of the series (the song was about how we should refuse to live in a world of lies and go after our dreams and goals) I really enjoyed watching it.

The movie on the other hand.....While I enjoyed watching it, it didn't have the same kind of emotional feeling as the series. Onizuka was made out to be more of a bastard and didn't have a lot of lessons to teach most likely due to the time limitations.

Overall I give the live action series a 5/5 and the movie a 3/5

Posted by RPGmastar - April 13th, 2009

I need a new laptop, like now. ASAP.

Fucking unstable Vista sucks worse then a 5 cent whore with stds.

News Update:
1.Gates:Beginnings (my RPG Maker VX project) has been put into Hiatus for now due to a member of the team leaving and major bug issues so until both are resolved no new updates.
2. I started a new RPG Maker XP project inspired by the web browser game theninja-rpg.com. You play a ninja growing from a student into what ever rank you want. think of it as a temogatchi.
3.Wanna get high legally? search for some nutmegg, it will get you stoned. (thank god for Manswers)
4. Tips to hook up with a stripper:
1. go on the slow days and become a regular
2. NEVER sit by the stage. (sit by the bar and act like it's a normal bar)
3. Don't look at the strippers. (I know it's hard but hang in there)
4. Don't tip the strippers.
5. Bring a girl with you to the strip joint and pay attention to her. (it'll make the strippers jealous)
6. Act You care about the stripper you want's daily life (ask questions like how was your day, how are you, start a conversation about anything other then her job and keep it non sexual)
7. Invite her/them to a party your hosting (they want to have fun and date others who like to have fun)
8. Smart chicks are the best in the bed compared to others
6. Sweden is the place where you will most likely get laid on the first date.
7. Manswers is the most SUPER SPECIAL AWESOME show. Ever. Period.
8. lighting things on fire? Cool. lighting things on fire then watching them expode? Awesome. Lighting things on fire then watching them explode using only a teaspoon? WTF?! Lighting things on fire then watching them explode using only a teaspoon and the thing that you lit on fire and blew up was pure water? HOLY SHIT FUCKING SWEET!
9. Girls
12.where the fuck did did 10 go and why are there 2 8's? the world may never know.

Beeping virsuses

Posted by RPGmastar - December 9th, 2008

Been watching a ton of anime and movies. I just saw the Dead Space animated movie. They cursed every other word. It was awesome.

Anyways. I bought a P90 airsoft gun along with a MK23 that looks like the one from MGS.
Got to watch a car blow up with friends as they filmed a martial arts movie for their class project. It was awesome and very warm!

My anime club from college is planning a trip to Japan and is gathering money. So I happy about that.

My sister left for some place VERY far away which makes me both happy and yet strangely sad. It's pro the whole physic twin thing or something.

Just finished making the maps to my game Gates using RPGmaker VX. Got most of the soundtrack done to. The Script is 98% finished and I have started to program the actual fighting system.

Got some music equipment from a friend (legally) and started to make music again so....

um.....Megatokyo is still the most awesome anime/video game manga EVER and should be made into an anime.

Oh and Zune RULES! Look me up at the zune social network. (RPGmastar)

See you in the next 6 months.

Posted by RPGmastar - October 1st, 2008

It's been ah while since I've posted anything. Been busy with college and work. (getting a bacholers in marketing was the most dumbass idea I've ever had. .... Well that and and modding my guitar to act as a universial remote. still cant figure out why it exploded.)

Anyways, I'm back again with some news:

1) I'm starting a series with the help of some friends who I won't reveal yet (no one from newgrounds) about two guys, Author and Shadow who travel through various worlds and time periods pulling pranks and messing with Sailor Pluto. (who's an evil bitch)
2) started making a game using RPGmaker VX called Gates. Main plot is traveling to between two worlds in search of the hero's lost mother and an ancient artifact.
3) Got a new electric keyboard and guitar (last one went boom) and started making some non crappy music (hopefully)
4) Got a ps3 and MGS4 which is AWESOME!
6) I have started a new online gaming Crew nicknamed The Order so if you see us soon on Halo or something watch out.
And 8) (or is it 7?) .....i forget......

well that's all for now. Ja Ne! (good bye in japanese)


Posted by RPGmastar - July 20th, 2008


When I first heard Square-Enix was making another Final Fantasy VII game I was like crap (Cause Dirge of Cerberus Suxd big time)

When I heard it takes Place before FFVII I was like the hell?

Then I found out you play as Zack. I was jumping in joy when I discovered the game goes over zacks life as soldier all the way up to the point of his death (spoilor......kinda) I was always wondering about the history of zack as well as the rest of the FFVII world. Why did he join soldier? How did he meet cloud and When did he meet Aerith? I was kinda scared on how the game played.

It is the most awesome game I have ever played next to FFVII!

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII plays alot like Kingdom Hearts only cooler plus I just loved the way they used the Limit Verge system during the ending battle to show you zacks memories.

The ending Cried
The whole game was kinda sad because while playing you know that he dies at the end and you dont want him to.

Zack's such an awesome character and I was in shock to see cloud not being emo. Sephiroth was still kinda of an asshole though.

The music was like a tribute to the FFVII OST, mostly rock and techno with a little trance and yet it kept the same emotions as the songs from VII.

It was worth spending 50 bucks on and playing. from a rating of 1-10 with 10 being the highest and 1 the lowest, I give it a 9.5 (some minor glitches like the voices not being being in time with the mouths in some scenes)