sukiyaki western django is a Japanese western film from 2007 which has a plot that focuses on a small town and a wandering Gunslinger. A war brakes out between two clans after a hidden stash of gold and the wanderer is caught in the middle, thus the blood bath begins.
This is like Kill Bill only in a western setting with asian people instead of american cowboys.Quentin Tarantino in fact is in this movie and I think he helped write the script. This is a grindhouse type of film (read: Major bloodbath and sexy scenes)
The soundtrack fit in my opinion, the acting was really good and the action scenes was fucking awesome. Oh and I fucking loved the wanderer's outfit.
Check it out if you loved Kill Bill.
Empire Records:
If you loved rock and punk music from the early 90's then check this awesome film out.
A movie that focuses on the teenage employees of Empire Records, a music store which is going to be bought out and changed.
Filled with tons of crazy shit and awesome music like Hey Joe (Jimmy Hendrix AKA GOD)
this film has an actual plot and the ending is great unlike most movies made today.
Made in 1995, you can really see how the music culture has changed into a money loving piece of useless shit. Totally check this movie out if your a music fan of the old school rock.