Ok, I know I said I would never watch the live action Sailor Moon in a previous rant but I did.
Now Let me say this:
Who ever said that this show is good is either a 10 year old asian girl or gay. Very VERY gay.
The music sucked.
The plot sucked.
The actors....where kinda hot and since they are asian, probably suck and swallow.
A porno had better special effects then this piece of shit! In fact at first I thought I was watching a porno.
Plot (which sucks): Some random chick finds a random stuffed cat that fell from the sky. Apparently it's not stuffed cause it can talk and shit and tells the girl she must save the world. Either that or Get some Flea medicine. I can't decide which would be better.
Some random pretty boy using the power of his white shiny teeth turns some chick into a monster who uses the power of Colgate to steal other people's shiny clean teeth. (The show claimed it was dark kingdom power and they were taking human souls but I know the truth!)
insert some random unneeded long transformation scene where for some retarded reason the monster doesn't attack and a cheesy fight. Recycle for about 49 eps and that's basically it.
FUCK YOU ASSHOLES!!!!!!!!!!! WHERE ARE MY LESBIANS!!!!!!!!!!! SAILOR MOON HAD HOT LESBIANS SO WHERE ARE THEY IN THIS DUCHE-FAG MOCKARY?!?! (Note: I can't remember if this show actually had them or not cause I was too busy being PISSED OFF!!!!!!)
Trust me, stick to Kamen Rider. In That, the transformations are quick, the monsters attack while the heros try to transform (in decade they show that while the armor is appearing, all the monsters long range attacks get deflected.) and they are badass with really cool plots (from 2007 and up)
This crap was soooooooo bad, I had to watch pokemon to feel better. POKEMON!!!! And not the Japanese one with the cursing and the hot smexy summer swimsuit ep. No, the AMERICAN version with all the friendship speeches and the always believe in yourself bullshit.
Skip this piece of dog shit. Better yet, Buy it and burn it during a ritual to summon dark satanic forces. (It will most likely work better with it since it was made by SATAN!)
Oh and one more thing:
That is all.